Friday, December 19, 2008

Well on our way to socialism.

George Bush rolled over for the Demolishcrats - again. All these bailouts are like giving money to a crack addict - the problem is still there. Do they think this is going to fix things? Did we have $350 billion just lying around? No, you just went broke-r today, your kids just went into national bankruptcy, your grandkids will never know anything but vicious taxation. I've always tried to buy "AMERICAN" when I can, but from this day forward I will reconsider having another Big 3 auto in my driveway. I can buy metric, made in America by Americans that work for a reasonable wage and benefits just like I do. We just finished bailing out wallstreet for being greedy, now the auto industry for it's mistakes. If the government would step out and let the marketplace purge and restructure, we could come out of this with a healthy market. If it weren't for government restrictions and unions in the first place, the auto industries might not be in this shape. And here we go.............Congress just voted it's self a raise, Carrolton / Farmers Branch just gave their ousted DRUNK DRIVING leader $100,000 severance and ex NTX Chairman gets a years salary of over $200,000 severance unless he finds a new job in the meantime.

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